FREE EVENT Hosted by Caylee Augé

Exploring Best Practices for Tips

With Guest: *Will Moore, CPA and COO of GENESA Chartered Professional Accountants

October 2, 2023

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM PDT

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM PDT

About this Event:

The purpose of this event is to facilitate a discussion on "Exploring Best Practices for Tips" within our industry. We recognize that tips play a significant role in our business, and we want to ensure that we are handling them in the most effective and compliant manner.

*Please Note: Will is a accountant in BC, Canada so if your out of province or country please verify the info with your accountant.

We aim to address the following:

>> How can we best collect and distribute tips?

>> What are the best practices to minimize the risk of audits?

>> How can we keep costs down for the business while maintaining transparency and compliance?

Will Moore will share his expertise and insights on these topics, and we encourage all attendees to actively participate in the discussion. This event is an excellent opportunity for owners to ask questions, share their experiences, and collaborate to find solutions.

To confirm your attendance at this event, fill out the form below. The event details will be sent to your email provided.

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